How To Tell If Your Having A Boy Or Girl - Choose Baby's Gender

You can increase the likelihood of selecting if you're having a boy or girl. There are natural and completely ethical things you can do that will increase the odds of selecting your child's gender. 

Differences In Chromosomes

The male sperm carries the X - Y chromosome. The female egg carry's the X chromosome. To Choose Your Baby's Gender you want the right chromosomes to outshine the other and fertilize the egg.

Increase Chances Of Having A Boy

Try to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. It is during this time the slippery cervical mucus helps the Y chromosome reach the egg faster than the X chromosome. Also the male sperm swims faster and will reach the egg first.

Have the female modify her diet by avoiding acidic foods like oranges, because the male sperm likes a more alkaline

Increase Chances Of Having A Girl

When having sex several days before ovulation the less resilient male sperm may die off, leaving more of the female's X chromosome to fertilize the egg.

The female X chromosome lives longer than the male sperm, so they will be ready and waiting when you ovulate. If you do have sex closer to ovulation, use a condom.

How To:  Plan Your Baby's Gender

1. By understanding and calculating your ovulation date.
2. Learning:  How Conception Works.
3. How your PH levels make a difference of having a boy or girl.
4. Foods you should eat and not eat to conceive gender choice.
5. How a woman's orgasm can affect your baby's gender.

While there is no guarantee and no method is 100% foolproof, fact remains that there are some natural methods you can use that will increase the likelihood on h
ow to tell if you're having a boy or girl.

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